Someone close to me asked me a simple question,
Why do you study library and Information technology ?.I wish I had a answers for that but I knew he was not asking me because he felt to know or learn but I truly think
He is not enlighten by the used of information around his domain's
So I decided to answer the question quickly and very sure he could understand me clearly.
I said ,A  library is not just a place for fun or interacting with one another; It's based on the developmental background of reading and learning new and creative ideas from great librarians ,scientists and philosophers through the act of communicating with the writer.
I also point out some based fact's about library .*A place for new discovery's
* A place creativity and productivity
* A center palace of knowledge and vocational education
* The mindstone of inventors ..
Library was established many thousands year ago by some philosopher's and King's of kingdom's in the early BC. ....such like the Alexander library .the greet library of China and so on.
I am a profound librarian and an information inventor .......!
He was so amused by my wonderful introduction of my career profession..
I edge every librarian around the world to be sure and ready to prove his or her worth ..
