Classification Scheme Sources contains a list of classification schemes and assigns a code to each scheme. The purpose of this list is to enable the scheme of classification number(s) contained in metadata records to be identified by a code. For code assignment, general structure, usage, and maintenance guidelines see Source Codes for Vocabularies, Rules, and Schemes.
The caption and index terms from the following classification schemes may be used as a source of controlled subject terms in bibliographic records by some institutions. Thus the sources assigned source codes in this list may also be used in usage elements identified for subjects in Subject Heading and Term Source Codes, if appropriate.
Some subject category lists, such as the Library and Archives Canada collections and the AGRICOLA subject categories, also contain more focused classifications that can also be considered classification schemes. Thus some of the subject category sources may also be used in usage elements identified for classification scheme source codes, if appropriate (see Subject Category Code Source Codes). Only sources that are specifically for classification are listed here.
Arrangement of the List
Entries in the list are arranged in alphabetical order by the code and consist of the source code followed by the bibliographic citation for the source documentation. The citations are linked to the online source for some codes.
Code Structure
Each code consists of a maximum of 12 characters, including lowercase alphabetic characters, numeric characters 0 through 9, and the hyphen (-). Possible additions to codes are described in Source Codes.
For many classification schemes of states of the United States, the source code consists of the U.S. Postal Service abbreviation for the state as the first two characters, followed by other letters identifying the specific scheme. For government document classifications schemes "docs" follows the first two characters. For other sources, the entire code may be based on the title of the documentation or scheme.
Classification Scheme Source Codes
accsAnnehurst curriculum classification system (West Lafayette, IN: Kappa Delta Pi)acmccsACM Computing Classification System [2008 Version]
agricolaAGRICOLA subject category codes (Agriculture Network Information Center)agrisscAGRIS: subject categories (Rome: AGRIS Coordinating Centre)anscrThe Alpha-numeric system for classification of recordings(Williamsport, PA: Bro-Dart)ardocsArkansas state documents classification scheme (Little Rock: Arkansas State Library, Documents Services Section, State Publications Unit)asbAllgemeine Systematik für öffentliche Bibliotheken (ASB)(Berlin: Deutsches Bibliotheksinstitut)azdocsArizona documents: KWOC manual (Phoenix: State Documents Center, Arizona Dept. of Library, Archives and Public Records)barBarnard, Cyril C. A classification for medical and veterinary libraries (London: H.K. Lewis)bclNederlandse Basisclassificatie = Dutch Basic Classification Codes (The Hague: Koninklijke Bibliotheek)bcmcCoates, E.J. The British catalogue of music classification(London: Council of the British National Bibliography)bisacshBISAC Subject Headings
blissBLISS bibliographic classification (London: Butterworths)blisscBritish Library Inside service subject classification (London: British Library)blsrisscBritish Library - Science reference information service subject classification (London: British Library)cacodocCODOC [Canadian federal and provincial government documents classification scheme] (Toronto: Office of Library Coordination, Council of Ontario Universities)cadocsCalifornia state agency classification scheme (Sacramento: Government Publications Section, California State Library)ccpgqCadre de classement des publications gouvernementales du Québec (Montréal: Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec)cddirClassifiação Decimal de Direito (CDDIR)
celexCELEX document number (Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities)chfbnClassification de l'histoire de France (Paris: Bibliothèque nationale de France)clcZhongguo tu shu guan fen lei fa = Chinese library classification (Beijing: Beijing tu shu guan chu ban she)clutscnyClassification of the Library of Union Theological Seminary in the City of New York (New York: Union Theological Seminary)codocsColorado State Publications Depository and Distribution Center. Classification schedule (Denver: Colorado State Library)csljElazar, David H. & Elazar, Daniel J. A classification system for libraries of Judaica (Lanham, MD: University Press of America)cstudClassificatieschema's Bibliotheek TU Delft (Delft: Technische Universiteit Delft, Bibliotheek)cutterecCutter, Charles Ammi. Expansive classification (Boston: C.A. Cutter)ddcDewey decimal classification and relative index (Dublin, Ohio: OCLC Online Computer Center)dopaedDOPAED der UB ErlangenegedeklassEgede-instituttets klassifikasjonsystemeklEduskunnan kirjaston luokitus = Library of Parliament Classification
farlFrick Art Reference Library book classification system (New York, NY: Frick Art Reference Library)farmaOversigt over systematisk catalog (København: Danmarks farmaceutiski bibliotekfcpsClass FC: a classification for Canadian history, Class PS8000: a classification for Canadian literature (Ottawa: Library and Archives Canada)fiafMoulds, Michael. Classification scheme for literature on film and television (London: International Federation of Film Archives)fidFachinformationsdienste für die Wissenschaft (FID)
finagriFinagri-luokitus (Helsinki: Maatalouskirjasto - Agricultural Library)flarchFlorida State Archives arrangement and description procedures manual (Tallahassee, FL: Florida State Archives)fldocsA Keyword-in-context to Florida public documents in the Florida Atlantic University Library (Tallahassee: Department of State, State Library)frtavReferentiel du format INTERMAC Bibliographique: Audiovisuel - Matière generale (Paris: Bibliothèque nationale de France)gadocsOfficial publications of the State of Georgia: list of classes with index by name of agency and subject/keyword(Athens, GA: University of Georgia Libraries, Government Documents Department)gfdcGlobal forest decimal classification (GFDC) (Vienna: IUFRO)
ghbsGHB-Aufstellungssystematik: HBZ Köln
iadocsClassification of Iowa state documents (Des Moines: State Library of Iowa)icsInternational Classification for Standards
(International Organization for Standardization) [PDF]ifzsSystematik der IfZ-Bibliothek
inspecINSPEC classification (Edison, NJ: INSPEC Inc.)ipcInternational Patent Classification
ivdccintranda viewer digital collection classification (Göttingen: intranda GmbH)