Strategies for Marketing Library and Information Services in Academic Libraries

Kudirat Abiola Adegoke*
ICT Librarian, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria
Intel Prop Rights
ISSN: 2375-4516 IPR, an open access journal
Edited by Timon Chukwuonu

Strategy is a mechanism for coping with a complex and changing
environment. Generally, the concept of strategy relates to corporate/
organizational strategy that guides the corporation or organization as
a whole towards the attainment of its goals.

"Abdullahi Fodiyo" Library introduced some products and services in order to sensitize and maintain good relationships with its numerous clientele. Among these
efforts are the introduction of current awareness service; exhibition and display, selective dissemination of information; bulletin boards; complaints/suggestion boxes, clientele education course, electronic bill board, audio-visual services, online dissemination of information via the internet technology by creating links for current information on the library portal. Eye-catching displays, interactive web sites, aggressive
advocacy, advertising, direct marketing, book sales, friends’ groups, contests, good media relations, public presentations and other new technologies. Knowledgeable and enthusiastic staff members are also great promotion tools used to persuade the library users. The marketing strategies used by Abdullahi Fodiyo Library are discussed below.
Abdullahi Fodiyo Library displays all its Arabic special collections, reference materials like biography of who is who in Nigeria, gender issues on both males and females at the strategic places or corners within the library in different show glasses. Electronic resources in CD-Roms are also displayed for awareness creation and they are made available
to users free of charge upon requests for access. Current information on
scholarships and other opportunities from newspaper, magazines and internet are photocopied and placed on the notice board for users’consumption.

Wider publicity is given to Abdullahi Fodiyo Library products and
services by various ways. For example, banners, Usmanu Danfodiyo
University website and library portal are used for dissemination of information related to the various programmes and activities being performed by the library including the specific ventures such as
conducting of the workshops/seminars/users courses. Wider Publicity is given to all the training programmes being
conducted by the library.Library OrientationEvery institution of higher learning organizes orientation
programme for fresh students jointly or on departmental basis. Usmanu
Danfodiyo University organises its own on faculty basis within a period
of one week. This programme is usually handled by the Student Affairs
Division upon completion of students registration exercise. The essence
of this programme is to introduce fresh students to life in the University
and as well as taking a virtual tour to the University libraries through a
power point presentation usually designed and presented by the library
orientation committee members.

Users Education
Users’ education is a compulsory one credit unit course taught under
general studies (GST 104) in Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto. It is
compulsory for undergraduate students of the institution particularly the
newly admitted students. The course is one of the strategies used by the
University Library staff to bring students closer to the library. The course
introduces students to the library operations, services and facilities. The
aim of user education in Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto is to enable the students use the library effectively with minimum problems for the purpose of learning, research and recreation.EnvironmentThe writer observed that many libraries operate from a temporary building with inadequate space, shortage of chairs and tables, poor
ventilation and faulty fans. This can discourage users from patronizing the
library. In Usmanu Danfodiyo University Libraries, the story is different,
Abdullahi Fodiyo Libary complex has over 6000 sitting capacity, its
collections are separated according to faculties in a fully air conditioned
environment, Abdullahi Fodiyo Library also provides television lounges at
different locations for both male and female users of the library, this is done
to keep the students current and make them stay long in the library. This
is in line with the view of Adams [13,14] that reading can be effective and
interesting if it is done in a conducive environment.

In view of the significant role marketing library and information
services play in creating awareness in library services, librarians must
ensure that they put in more efforts in the aspect of marketing and
promotion of their library products and services through advertisement,
exhibitions and displays, publicity, public relations to mention but few.

The following recommendations were made to enhance the quality
of marketing library and information’s services in academic libraries.

1. As a result of the exponential growth in the use of Abdullahi
Fodiyo Library complex, the management needs to constantly update
the existing resources and subscribe to more electronic database so as
to maintain the current level of patronage and as well as attracting more
2. Library Orientation for all users must be on a continuous basis
and anchored by the librarians so as to make the exercise a fruitful
one. Also librarians must divide users into small group for effective
participation and understanding of some practical oriented aspect of
the orientation.
3. Academic Librarians should not wait for their management to
publicize their materials for them; rather they should strategies on how
to effectively apply the promotional tools in marketing their products
and services.

