The fight to reclaim the pride and heritage of the Black man has been a tedious, but yet fulfilling battle. After hundreds of years of lies told about the Black man, nature has made it possible that we are at a great reawakening and that facts about ancient Black civilizations are exposed daily.
The knowledge which we have gathered on the history of Black civilizations has set the Black race on a new path – a path to pride and self-awareness. Which African school would have ever thought Africans this secretes? None actually. That Is because, even till date, the curriculum of many African schools is decided by European governments.
The first humans on earth were black people. And since that is so and has been proven by historians, scientists, and archeologists, it is safe to agree that Black people dominated many parts of Europe for thousands and hundreds of years, before the European (Caucasians) stock moved in.Italy, which is known for housing Rome, was originally inhabited by Black people, who are referred to as Etruscans.
Legends say they were descendants of refugees from the fallen city of Troy, led by the swarthy (dark-skinned) prince Aeneas after the city fell to the Greeks. Whether this legend is true or not, the pieces of evidence below clearly point that Rome was first owned by Blacks.
The statues and art of the Etruscans revealed them to be Africans – black people. History shows that they were a sensual and creative people. The city of Rome was originally known as Ra Ouma which means a ” place protected by Ra “.
This worship of Ra, undoubtedly by the Etruscans, means that they most likely had a spiritual, physical and cultural link to Kemet (kmt), ancient Egypt or Phoenicia. In archeology, findings show that two African peoples, the Sicani, and the Liburni occupied ancient Italy.
The Roman writer Virgil revealed that the Pelasgians, the Kemetians (Black people) who settled in southern Greece, also occupied the Palatine, one of the seven hills of Rome. The Romans later became a ” Latin” people, and became a mixed race.
But the African element played a major part in Rome’s history. The Blacks were everything, from charioteers to soldiers, generals, and Emperors. Rome’s famous Oracles were the Sibyls, African prophetesses, who wrote the famous Sibylline Prophecies. These writings were later plagiarized by the Christians. It was the African Sibyls who built the original Vatican, which was a temple to Mami Wata, goddess of the sea.
Undisputable Historical Evidence
Now, before we go further, we must state that many accounts about the origin of Rome that is found on the internet or even in modern books are lies. They are Caucasian versions to usurp the true identity of the Etruscans, who occupied Etruria (ancient Rome, Greece, and parts of Aegean).
The albinos (Caucasians), who were called “the Latins” started to migrate from the Eurasian plains to Italy. They most likely traveled with the Hellenes people into Greece and then moved further into Italy, which was a Black territory.